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Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Post


I am new to blogging and will use this as a way to interact and share stories of what is going on. I encourage everyone to make comments on topics and have a discussion.


My work story for today: ( I am the manager of the group and it's my first time managing a group of people)

Addressing Email Etiquette:

I was at work today talking to one of the people on my team. The woman I was talking to is about twice my age and very much a southern cowgirl type; she was telling me about how she was worried her house was going to flood ( this despite the fact that it stopped raining half an hour prior to our conversation).  I let her vent and started talking to her about an email I received regarding the way that she writes her emails, in the email she sent to a high up person, she wrote everything in caps. I told Ms. Caps that she needed to correct the way that she wrote her emails because she doesn't know who might get them, well I really should have just stopped right there but no I continued. Well she got irritated no not a little bothered but the who are you to tell me what I need to write (I'm your boss remember?)

So .... I listen to the story of how she has worked for a lot of people and that she knows what she needs to do and who cares if she writes in caps, I remind her that obviously my bosses care otherwise we would not be having this conversation. ( no arguing that fact)

Question: Why would someone write in all CAPS and be surprised that they get in trouble? (FYI: I don't care that she wrote in CAPS I just got in trouble for it)

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